Category: Water Filter

Clean Water On The Go



Get high quality filtered water at home or on the go with a Bolder Colorado Company.

Our goal aliens perfectly with Epic Water Filters. The goal at Epic has always been environmentally minded and we find value in not only practicing environmental stewardship as a company but also in supporting others who do the same. Like many who came before us and who will surely come after us, we hope to leave the planet a little bit better than we found it (and with cleaner water too).

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EPIC Water Filters

High quality water filters and water bottle filters. I love finding Colorado based companies, made in America and based in Bolder Colorado.

Best under sink water filter

Categories: Water Filter

Outdoor Adventures

And don’t forget water for our best friends.

While on my outdoor adventures I first try and plan to have what water I need for the expected time I plan on being out. Since I drink a lot of water, and kind of like to gulp it down and I have both a whole house filter and refrigerator filter I start with filling my reusable bottles at home. I save my water bottle filters more for traveling or when I am working somewhere that I’m not sure about the water. Most tap water is safe and often safer than plastic bottled water, but I primarily like my traveling filters for the crisp clean taste it provides along with the extra confidence anything nasty has been removed. The water bottle filters do take a little effort to pull the water through the filter and straw to drink which is why I prefer already filtered when covenant. Now grab some water and get outside!

Categories: Water Filter

Crystal Quest Water Picture

This slim style fits easily in the fridge, 8 to 12 cups of water and has multiple filter choices to address different concerns. Replacement filters don’t Brita Pictures but I like the slimmer style of the Crystal Quest Picture.

Home, Office or Industrial
Categories: Water Filter

PH On-The-Go Alkaline Water Filter Pouch

As noted below the travel pouch definitely raised the PH and removes any chlorine taste. I am not sure how it removes sediment since water does not pass through the filler but the filter absorbs unwanted things? I still like the ease of just tossing it in any water bottle and getting the pH boost and clean taste it provides.


Introducing our super-popular pH ON-THE-GO travel-size alkaline water filter. pH OTG will increase your water pH level up to a very high pH10. Not only that, pH OTG will also improve the taste and smell of your water, while removing chlorine, fluoride and heavy metals. EPIC!

Our pH ON-THE-GO 30g filter lasts an impressive 26 gallons, and saves 125 single use plastic water bottles. At under $8 per filter, pH OTG offers excellent value.

Simply use pH OTG with your favorite container.

Categories: Water Filter

Crystal Quest

Under Sink

Crystal Quest has long been my place to go for drinking water filters. Whether in a home or apartment they have good filters, under sink, counter top, faucet and water pictures. Their replacement filters are one of the more common sizes but always check to make sure it is comparable with what you have.

Stainless Steel Counter Top
Categories: Water Filter

More Filters

Refrigerator and Ice-maker Filters. Find replacement filters for many makes of refrigerators at a significant savings. I get replacements for my Whirlpool fridge and have been happy the product for a couple of years now, replacing filters every 5 or 6 months as my water is OK to start with. They also off refrigerator air filters although I have not tried one of them yet.

Categories: Water Filter