Water Filters and Bottles

Drink Responsibly, Get a Water Filter from Experts

With so many challenges in life one easy thing you can do to save money and the environment is start filtering your drinking water. With a reusable water bottles you can save 100s if not 1000s of plastic water bottles from the environment.

WHY FILTER, to save money.
Home water filtration offers high quality and convenience out of the tap. Home filters have gained widespread popularity recently. As the most logical, convenient and cost-effective solution for high-quality water. Filtering your own water offers many benefits over bottled water.


Experience Better Tasting Water with affordable home filtering.

Home water filtration offers higher quality than bottled water and for less than 10 cents a gallon you can have great-tasting, healthy, chemical-free water for drinking, preparation of beverages and cooking… all at the touch of a button.

Water Bottle Personal Filters

Portable Filters

See The Story of Stuff Video on Bottled water by clicking on this link.

Free Shipping over $50

Reusable Water Bottles.

Clean, Effective, Renewable and often better than water in plastic bottles. Save the environment, your health and in addition you can save yourself a lot of money. A Win Win!


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