Author: kevinabney1

For Your Best Friend

You want to help your best friend get home if they get lost. What a fun way to do that with a personalized Pet Driver’s License, tag. While we usually promote our environment and healthy Colorado likes and ideas, we can’t leave out something for our best friend. Check it out and tell us what you think.

Categories: Pets

Eco-responsible laundry detergent

It’s estimated that 700 million laundry detergent jugs get thrown away every single year. And the vast majority of those jugs end up in landfills and in the ocean… But there is an alternative earth breeze

Stop buying Plastic and Water in heavy jugs. Save space in your laundry room, get delivered to your home and save the environment by reducing your plastic waist. You also get fresh clean laundry. I am always looking for ways to reduce my plastic consumption and earth breeze seems to fit the bill. With only about 5% of plastics actually getting recycled the only way to make a difference is stop buying plastics as much as possible. They also have surface cleaning sheets, 1 sheet makes a quart of cleaner. I have not tried the cleaning sheets yet but have ordered and if they’re as good as the laundry sheets I should be very happy.

Categories: Environment

The Truth About Plastics

ABC plastics investigation, What really happens to the plastic bags you think you are recycling.

Colorado implemented a partial ban with a .10 cent fee on single use bags the first of this year and I think with good success so far. The best recycling is reusing what you have. I have always use my bags for trash and dog waist and was even excited to find almost 6 months into the ban I was finally running low on bags and will need to find even more environmentally friendly options over just reusing the single use bags. Lots of little steps add up. Whether it is filtering your water to limit plastic bottle waist or reusing everything you can it all adds up.

Categories: Environment

Another way to cut your plastic use.

Tiered of this? Try reusable produce bags.

Have you ever put a banana in one of the clear plastic produce bags at the grocery store and stopped to think, “Do I really need this?” It’s so counterintuitive to waste plastic bags on fruits and veggies when their exterior is naturally protected.

However, you still need to get your groceries home, and those clear produce bags do look readily available and conveniently located…

But don’t give in to single-use plastics! Instead, simplify shopping with Organic Cotton Mesh Produce Bags.

Categories: Environment

Clean Water On The Go



Get high quality filtered water at home or on the go with a Bolder Colorado Company.

Our goal aliens perfectly with Epic Water Filters. The goal at Epic has always been environmentally minded and we find value in not only practicing environmental stewardship as a company but also in supporting others who do the same. Like many who came before us and who will surely come after us, we hope to leave the planet a little bit better than we found it (and with cleaner water too).

Categories: Water Filter Tags: Tags:

Inn Keeper Rescue

Inn Keeper Rescue

Life moves on and after many years owning and operating a bed and breakfast then several years as an interim inn keeper I find myself moving on from this wonderful experience in my life. I am making the fantastic name available for purchase. Please contact me if interested.

Categories: Uncategorized